Sydney is certainly a good looking town. The beaches, the architecture, the people, the weather...it's a cool place. Creative. And the pace of life...they just get it.
I spent 2 weeks in Bondi - every day heading down to the beach, and doing not a great deal else. Although that's not strictly true - during my time in Sydney I caught up with old friends from London, and my travels. I also, went for an interview - that went nowhere - took the ferry around to Watsons Bay - where I ate at the famous fish and chips shop, sitting in the park, looking back at Sydney - cruised around the harbour at night on a party boat, visited the beautiful blue mountains, and had surfing lessons.
It was time to get out - Sydney is great, but man alive its expensive. So I booked a trip up the east coast and a day later I found myself on the greyhound coach heading up to Byron Bay. Straight away, as you get out of Sydney, and start moving...properly moving, because Australia is the size of Europe...you notice that Australia is handsome. Really handsome - I had imagined that it would be all dusty outhouses, and thousands upon thousands of miles of red uninhabited highways. But it wasn't - it's green, and lush. Infact, it looks alot like the English countryside on a summers day.
We pulled into Byron Bay, passing a parade of tourist shops selling traveller nic nacs...and pulled into...a hippie commune. Part of the beauty of booking a trip upfront is that you have no idea where you'll be staying - on this occassion I spent four evenings sitting a round a camp fire, and four nights sleeping in a wig-wam.
Having caught up on a lot of reading, I boarded the coach again, and headed to Fraser Island, a further 18 hours up the coast, and four of the best days of the whole trip....
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